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Sunday, September 16, 2007

I've Found A New Way To Get People To Read My Blog.

This is an Incredible new tool you just stick on your blog and it literally opens up the flood-gates to a colosal amount of visitors, keen to read your blog. If I told you the numbers you wouldn't believe me so just click the title above and see for your self.


QQ said...
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QQ said...

Here is another way to get people to read Blog. You could put it on www.wacanai.com. Wacanai.com(http://www.wacanai.com/intro). People post all sorts of articles and instructions on how to make cool stuff. You can link your website to it too. When people search for similar stuff on Wacanai your article will pop up. This should drive a lot more traffic to your article. You can even track how much more traffic you are getting because they have a bunch of graphs and stuff that show how many people are reading your article and how many people are using your info.

greg said...

I don't see the link?